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List of Universities in India offering B.Sc, M.Sc, Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma, M.Phil and Phd courses in Environmental Science is provided here. Given below, brief information is also provided about different courses in Environmental Science. Environment Scientists are from many disciplines such as a botany, zoology, oceanography, ecology, chemistry, economics, engineering, environment studies etc. Environment Scientists holds B.Sc and M.Sc. degree. BRIEF ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE COURSESMeteorologyIt is a technical branch that employs sophisticated technology. As a group meteorologists are physicists, mathematicians, chemists, engineers, geographers, oceanographers, hydrodynamicists, radiometrists, & statisticians, hydrologists and astrophyicists. The work meteorologists do may be categorized under the following heads Operational, Research and Applied. The Operational work includes weather forecasting. They interpret information reported from weather satellites, weather radar, remote sensors and observers on air pressure, temperature, humidity and air velocity. This information is processed through computers and charts and weather maps are prepared. They may use th Doppler radar to detect rotational patterns in violent thunderstorms, predict tornadoes, flash floods with details of intensity and speed. Meteorologists specialize in preparing weather briefs for agriculturists, aviators, shipping & marine sectors or for media reports for the general public. Solid Waste ManagementThis is a vast area fo work and employ chemists, engineers, hydrologists. The work is concerned with cutting down the dangers from solid wastes. The popular methods of destroying solid waste for a number of years was burning which in turn was a steady air pollutant. Using garbage for landfills is the current concept being steadily replaced by garbage management in developed countries where the aim is to reduce the garbage output at the source and recycle garbage for better use. Hazardous waste can be lethal hence the waste particularly from chemical industries, leather and plastic industry, nuclear reactors and even from small scale industries such as dry cleaning industry etc needs handling by environmental experts. Geologists, radioactive waste experts, industrial waste managers, hydrologists need to be appointed for these tasks.Air Pollution ManagementAcid rain, ozone depletion, green house gases are threats to the environment. Top scientists work in air pollution control. Analytical chemists, toxicologists and air quality specialities analyze the effects of various harmful gases which are emitted as a result of fuel or garbage combustion. They also study the effects of these on human as well as plant life. Water Quality ManagementThe environmental scientists working in this area are botanists, oceanographers, marine scientists, wildlife scientists, ecologist and people working in water shed management. They are concerned with the preservation, purification and advising on all matters related to the quality of water in rivers, lakes, streams, and all surface and ground waters. This is a huge area of work in our country where almost all sources of water face the threat of contamination. Marine life is critical for survival of sea animals and for human consumption. Marine biologists aim to study the effects of various pollutants of water and prevent and clean up contamination for the preservation of marine life. Land ConservationEnvironmentalists are greatly concerned with the proper and optimum use of land and water sources. This area of work overlaps that of forestry and wildlife managers and also incorporates planning for better use of land and water. They work in conservation of parks, outdoor recreation sites, re-greening of urban areas and often have a background of geology, landscape architecture, wildlife management, forestry etc. In this field of environmental science, professionals are from disciplines, who study the effect of changes in the environment on living things. Bacteriologists, biochemists, botanists, horticulturists who work on safer pesticides and herbicides, microbiologists, mycologists and toxicologists work in the areas concerning the environment. Chemists, ecologists, soil scientists, foresters, aqua culturist, may all work in areas related to Land conservation. UNIVERSITIES IN INDIA OFFERING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE COURSES
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